Thursday, July 1, 2010

Post Seminar Blog

Whew! What a week! It was a joy to get to know each of you and learn together. In future posts I will review your assignments and our meeting in early August; however while my sunburn still burns I want to take a minute to tell each of you how impressed I was with your dedication to transferring your learning to your students. If all teachers were like each of you, what a world this would be! I look forward to seeing you in August.



  1. I want to say just how much I truly enjoyed this experience. I got home this morning and actually had a discussion with my husband about Lewis and Clark. I was able to answer his questions without saying I have to Google the answer. That was fun! It was great to get to know all of you.

  2. Cindy and Jay,
    I want to thank both of you for an amazing trip. I was so impressed by your joy and love of life, and also by your scholarship and masterful teaching. It was quite an experience seeing master teachers at work. Thank you for the time you invested in us, and for your friendship.


  3. I am now ready to read through the books and stories again along with all the other information and notes acquired on the trip and enjoy the experience. Thank you all for sharing your experience and knowledge, patience and friendship. Cory, my grandchildren thought the hat was the best ever. They laughed and laughed. Sarah, good luck in Europe. Laurie, how did your stacks tournament go? Cindy, Jay, thanks again.
    Becky M.

  4. One observation for next year's trip. Take bug spray with you to the biffy!
    Becky M.

  5. Dear Cindy and Jay,
    Thank you so much for an amazing experience! I have found myself searching for more and more information on Lewis and Clark, and have found some terrific resources to share. I also collaborated with a colleague who will be teaching 4th grade this year, and is a native of Great Falls--she can't wait to go explore her hometown! I am so thankful for the frienships that I have made while on the trip. What a wonderful group of dedicated, educators and people.
    Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this experience!

  6. What a great experience. I had a wonderful time and learned a lot. All of the pieces are fitting together. being able to actually see and go where Lewis & Clark traveled was a supper experience. I am eager to learn more about this period in history.

    It was great to get to know everyone. You are all a great group of teachers. I will treasure this experience. See each of you in August.

    Jay, Cindy and Libby thank you for all you did to make this a great experience.

  7. I had such a great time and learned so much! I loved the pedagogy lessons as much as the sights along the way. I also enjoyed getting to know so many fantastic dedicated teachers. I came home and read more about the expedition and bought five more resource items on the internet. I'm excited to start teaching. Thanks to Jay, Cindy, and Libby, for all their hard work.
    Marie Earl

  8. Ditto to all the above posts. It really was an unforgetable experience. I look forward to seeing everyone in August. How do we ever see the pictures? Were they going to be posted?

  9. I needed to add a big thanks to Libby on my original post-wow,what a girl! Thanks again, to all 3 of you for making this a trip of a lifetime!

  10. Looking forward to seeing all of you in August. Do we have a time and place yet?

  11. Are we for sure going to meet? If so, where and when? If not, please let us know that, too,. I would like to plan a 'get out of town' trip soon. Thanks.

  12. It's hard to express all the things I learned through this experience. Besides meeting some super people. Gaining some really super ideas in the pedagogy side. All the first hand viewing and insight and indepth information was just incredible! Thanks for all the hard work. And! All those contacts! You are amazing!
    Also, Cindy and Libby, the amount of work you did was incredible. Thank you, thank you! See you all next week. Wait! Is that possible? Whew...time has flown!

  13. Is their a place to post our pictures? It would be fun to share them with each other.


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